Welcome to my community,
I’m so glad you’re here.

Hello Beautiful Soul,

I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to you. Have you ever felt the need to connect with your inner self, express your deepest emotions, and begin a journey of healing and transformation?

If so, you're right where you need to be.

Who Am I?

I'm Theresa Soltzberg, it’s so nice to meet you! I’m an artist and an expressive arts healer, and I’m passionate about the power of personal expression as a connection to our authenticity.

I believe that we each have the power, through artistic expression and self knowledge, to heal, evolve and realize our full, whole and beautiful selves. If you’re ready to know yourself on a deeper level and connect to your one true self, I hope you will connect and create with me!

Why I Created This Community

Life can be a whirlwind, and sometimes we lose sight of our own essence amidst its chaos. But, many years ago, I discovered a powerful way to rediscover ourselves and heal – expressive arts journaling.

Telling our own unique story through the strokes of a paintbrush, the flow of words, or the placement of collage elements helps us to explore our emotions, and heal wounds. It's a transformative process that's deeply personal yet profoundly connected. 

The Importance of Community — in Art, and in Life

You see, I've discovered over the years that when we come together as a community, something magical happens. We inspire each other, we learn from one another, and we create a space where our unique voices can truly be heard.

And here's the secret: you don't have to walk this path alone.

Because it's not just about art; it's about life too. We all need a supportive community where we can share our joys and our challenges, where we can find comfort and encouragement.

These are all the reasons why I created my "Colors of Your Soul" community. It's a space where you can explore, express, and evolve alongside kindred spirits.


What Awaits You

  • Guided Exploration: Explore focused topics with regular art journaling prompts to inspire your creative journey.
  • Resource Sharing: Discover new techniques, materials, and resources to enhance your art journaling practice.
  • Meaningful Conversations: Engage in discussions about healing, self-discovery, and personal growth with our supportive members.
  • Exclusive Live Events: Join me for live sessions where I share my expertise and insights on expressive arts journaling.

Is This Journey Yours?

Ask yourself:

Do I yearn to express my creativity and emotions in a safe and nurturing environment?

Do I believe that art has the power to heal and transform lives?

Am I looking for a supportive community to accompany me on my journey of self-discovery and healing?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this community is your canvas.

How to Join

Ready to begin? Simply click the button below, and you'll step into a world of vibrant colors, self-discovery, and healing. Once you're inside, say hi! My community is warm and welcoming, ready to make you feel right at home on this beautiful journey.


Let's Create Art and Healing Together

So, if you're seeking a place where your creativity can flourish, where your journey can be celebrated, and where you can connect with kindred spirits, you've found it. Welcome to 'Colors of Your Soul: Expressive Arts Journaling for Personal Transformation.'

Join me and let's start painting your unique story – one filled with colors of self-discovery, healing, and personal transformation through expressive arts journaling.


Should you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here for you, always.

Remember, your story is worth telling, and your voice is worth hearing.

With warmth and creativity,

Theresa Soltzberg