Are you ready for deeper creative expression?

 The Expressive Arts Symbolic Journaling Courses are three short courses that allow you to explore art journaling and expressive arts practice on a deeper level. We will be adding collage, layers and lines, and playing with more materials, techniques and expressive arts practices in these courses.

This first course in the series explores internal figures and the expression of different parts of who we are. The second course focuses on symbols and objects, which also represent aspects of our lives and our selves. We also take a look at the creative process itself and what we are expressing in our actual art making. The third course focuses on creating a self portrait and how we depict our selves in our art.



As we continue to work with the mindful expressive art journaling practice, and add collage and other images to it in layers, we will begin to unpeel and explore the images, mythology, symbolism and stories that are unique for each of us in our lives.

Working with meaning, story and myth will help us to heal, help us to connect with ourselves on a deep and profound level, and begin to express our authentic creative selves in a newly empowered and meaningful way.

Reconnect with your self-expression

Your creativity self, which we all contain, holds the key to your authentic self, your passion, wisdom, purpose and the power to heal.






  • Explore your inner landscape: the fascinating figures, symbols, stories and myths that make you who you are.
  • Learn about working with mixed mixed media layers, materials, art journaling and supplies
  • Connect inside and learn to work with your inner critic so you can express and play creatively and freely
  • Allow yourself the joy of playful self-expression!


Working with Figures and Parts of Self

Learn the basics of mixed media art journaling with collage, acrylics and paint pen, while you explore the colorful and mysterious figures of your personal inner world. This course focuses first layers of art journaling, water-based color and choosing images, but can be taken on its own.

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Put the techniques you learn into practice by joining my ongoing expressive arts group. This is a safe place where everyone who is working on their own expressive arts journey can support one another on their artistic journey.

The groups are meant to be a place where students from this course and other courses, as well as those working on their own expressive arts journey can their art, their personal progress, or where they are on their journey. 

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you! 


I loved art, color, drawing and writing when I was a kid, and I lost my way with it as I got older. First as a career path, and then even as something to enjoy. I let the outside world and my own inner critic push it away. I bought a lot of art supplies, but I didn't really believe I "knew" what to do with them.

I think that one of the few good things about being stuck at home more over the past few years was having a little more time to think about long lost life regrets, and also time to do something about them.

I had already made a big career move to become a therapist a few years ago, and I realized that my creative life was still missing. Re-connecting with it has gotten me through some really rough times these past few years, and I cannot wait to share the joy, color and healing I have found in expressive arts with you.

"I feel like I've been able to bring myself into my art. It's not really even about the end result anymore"

M.T, New Orleans

"I found the experience of listening to these lessons like having a warm bath flow over me. I have no art experience and I have been able to dive in and enjoy these classes!"

Jen, Ohio



Do you feel like there’s something missing? Like you know that you have a creative part of you but you can’t seem to reach it…or maybe you feel intimidated by what’s considered “art” and feel like you have to create results that look a certain way or you shouldn’t be doing it at all. 

If so, then this course is definitely for you! 

This course is about tuning inside and connecting with your inner self, connecting with a part of you that has always been there: a creative, expressive part that you can allow to make marks and play with color in a free and open way.  

This is an expressive part of all of us, just waiting to connect with you. And in the private creative space of your art journal, where no one is watching or judging, she is waiting to come out and play! 

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Listen to your Creative Voice

Wherever you are on your artistic journey, I hope that exploring the individual images, symbols, marks, colors and expression that make you who you are as an artist is an exceptionally rewarding experience for you...whether you start here or wherever calls to you. The most important thing is that you go towards what brings you joy!